
Meet the iguana, the jungle's coolest reptile! With its sleek scales, powerful limbs, and iconic spiky crest, the iguana is like a living dinosaur straight out of a prehistoric adventure.







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Get to Know Me

The iguana is a type of lizard belonging to the family Iguanidae. There are several species of iguanas found throughout the world. Iguanas are characterized by their long, slender bodies, strong limbs, and rough, scaly skin.

These clever lizards have a unique defense mechanism: they can detach their tails when threatened by predators, allowing them to make a quick getaway while the predator is distracted by the wriggling tail. It's like having a built-in escape plan!


While the life span of an iguana can vary depending on factors like species, habitat, and care, these majestic reptiles are known for their impressive longevity. In the wild, iguanas typically live anywhere from 10 to 20 years, with some individuals even reaching their late teens or early twenties. However, with proper care in captivity, iguanas have been known to live much longer, sometimes exceeding 20 or even 30 years!

Weight & Diet

Iguanas come in a variety of sizes, with some species being relatively small, while others can grow quite large. Generally, adult iguanas can weigh anywhere from a few kilograms to over 9 kilograms, depending on their species, age, and overall health.

Iguanas are herbivores, meaning they eat plants and veggies. In the wild, they munch on leafy greens, fruits, flowers, and sometimes insects. Pet iguanas should have a similar diet, with staples like kale, collard greens, and dandelion greens for vitamins. They can also enjoy treats like strawberries, bananas, and mangoes.

Did You Know?

  • Iguanas have a third eye on the top of their heads called a parietal eye, which helps them detect changes in light and shadow.
  • Iguanas are excellent climbers and are known for their powerful limbs and sharp claws, which they use to grip onto branches and rocks in their habitats.
  • Some iguana species can change colors depending on their mood and environment. They might darken their skin to absorb more heat or lighten it to blend in with their surroundings.
  • They have a unique ability to communicate with each other through a series of head bobs and body language.
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